

Breaking Barriers: 莉莉安娜Trespalacios' Mission for Equal 医疗保健 Opportunities

在她的课程和职业生涯中, Liliana has continually been reminded of two crucial lessons — 医疗不是放之四海而皆准的, 公平不同于平等.

莉莉安娜Trespalacios’ path to nursing was sparked by a desire to make a positive difference in the lives of others. 在哥伦比亚出生和长大, Liliana moved to the United States at 17 with the dream of becoming a doctor. 然而, 生活常常有意想不到的转折, Liliana found herself on a different path – this one leading toward nursing.

In her search for a nursing program, Liliana discovered Herzing大学 和 their expansive 护理路径. 在这里, she felt connected to a supportive academic community that recognized her potential 和 the unique capabilities she brought to the table. She established connections with the academic community at Herzing-出赛 和 the 全国西班牙裔护士协会.

作为全国领先的拉丁裔护士专业协会, NAHN代表了全国拉丁裔护士的声音, committed to advancing health in Hispanic communities while creating 和 promoting opportunities for Hispanic nurses.

Herzing和NAHN的合作 对我来说改变了游戏规则,”莉莉安娜分享道. "It's not just about education; it's about accessibility. 通过NAHN的国家奖学金计划, 我很幸运地获得了雅培奖学金, which not only eased my financial burden but enabled me to give back to the community." 

These partnerships not only open doors for educational opportunities but also create a sense of belonging 和 support within the Hispanic community. 

“作为NAHN护理前和指导委员会的成员, 我已经开始了缩小教育差距的使命,莉莉安娜分享道. “从远程学习的挑战到在线教育的细微差别, I want to ensure that every generation of nursing students has a smoother journey than those who came before them."

Liliana's drive for success shines through her active volunteerism 和 participation in extracurricular activities. 她是一个骄傲的成员 西格玛Theta Tau国际护理荣誉协会在那里,她磨练了自己的领导才能. 最重要的是,她积极参与 全国学生护士协会 在国家和地方层面, connecting with like-minded professionals who share her passion for making a difference in healthcare.

“抓住机会是很有价值的, 这就是为什么我在任何幸运28计划地方积极参与志愿服务,”她说。. “对我来说,这是一种了解情况并回馈我的领域的方式."

在她的课程和职业生涯中, Liliana has continually been reminded of two crucial lessons — 医疗不是放之四海而皆准的, 公平与平等不同

"True healthcare equity goes beyond equality; it involves underst和ing 和 accommodating individual needs based on cultural 和 genetic differences,她强调说. “平等就像给每个人一辆自行车, but equity ensures that the bike fits you because what works for one person may not work for another. The same principle applies to healthcare; we need equity, not just equality. Every individual's journey to their goals is as unique as their fingerprint, but the beauty lies in the countless paths we can forge to reach our destination.”

One of Liliana's most significant strengths as a nurse with Hispanic roots is her ability to connect with patients with similar backgrounds on a deeper level. 这种自然的联系培养了更强的同理心, 提高患者信任度, 并增强积极的健康结果.

“在不断壮大的西班牙裔社区, having healthcare professionals who mirror this diversity is not just beneficial; it's essential,莉莉安娜说. “We need professionals who can underst和 和 connect with patients from various cultural backgrounds to provide the best care possible."

Liliana also stressed the importance of cultural competence training in healthcare education. She underst和s that it's not just about underst和ing the medical aspects; it's about recognizing 和 respecting the diverse backgrounds of patients — that greater cultural awareness allows for greater community service.

“随着软件下载教育环境的发展, it's more important than ever to address the representation gap that many students have experienced,莉莉安娜接着说. “为了别人,也为了我, educators can be the catalysts for change by becoming the role models that students need to see to believe that healthcare is a diverse 和 inclusive field. 这就是创造未来医疗保健提供者的原因."

因为她成为了未来专业人士变革的催化剂, 莉莉安娜继续做志愿者并参与其中. 作为一名成员 NSNA领导荣誉协会在美国,她被认为是一个值得别人尊敬的人.  另外, 无论是医疗任务旅行还是国际见习幸运28计划, Liliana continues planning to build her knowledge through experiences at a global level.

"My passion for helping people will always extend beyond borders," said Liliana. "I'm excited about the possibility of influencing future generations — 和 not just here at home, 而是我能去的任何地方."




*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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